A plane full of singing Christians?
A lot of people are talking about a recent video that went viral of a group of Christians singing to the other passengers on an airplane while in flight (click HERE to read the entire article). Please note: there has been an added post stating that this group asked for permission to sing, and their request was approved by the crew and all aboard the plane. If this group did ask for permission first, and if everyone on the plane agreed, that is a completely different story. The problem is that many times (and maybe not in this situation), some Christian people seem to assume they have the right to do whatever they want, anytime they want, anywhere they want. In regard to this situation, there were many skeptical reactions to the video, one of which was by Rep. Ilhan Omar. Rep. Omar, who is Muslim, responded on Twitter by writing: “I think my family and I should have a prayer session next time I am on a plane. How do you think it will end?” As she points out in regard to these Christians holding a public display of their faith, Muslims’ doing the same thing would be perceived by many as a threat. Although I am not a fan of Rep. Omar or any other specific politician or political party, I do agree with the statement she made in this article, especially if there was no approval for this group to do this. We have to remember that the United States is not a Christian nation. There are many religions, faiths and beliefs that make up our country. We are fortunate in this great country to have the freedom to worship in a way we believe is right for us, yet that has to be done within the confines of a group of others who feel the same way. When we are in public places, we have to act in ways that respect the rights and beliefs of others. As a Christian, if we want to share our faith in public, we need to do so in a way that Jesus said to do: love others, be kind, be accepting, be inclusive and non-discriminatory. Do the godly thing by loving others, respect their rights and be kind, just as you would want to be treated.