All Will End Up Heaven According To The Bible!
By Mike Edwards
I admit the title of this Post is bold. If my title had been “Where Will One End Up After Death?” you may not have bothered to read, assuming I would support common claims about the threat of Hell if you dare to rebel against God. Translation and interpretation challenges don’t guarantee a definitive answer from a Book. Also, biblical writers may not know all about the afterlife because God didn’t speak to them directly. We are free to speculate about a loving God’s character and actions. I have a strong inclination all are going to heaven!
Hell is morally and biblically impossible
Many who believe God exist agree God has given us moral intuitions to discern evil from good. We don’t need a Book to know sexual abuse or murder is wrong. God creating a literal Hell where people are tortured for billions of years for beliefs held a short time here on earth isn’t possible morally or biblically. See here. See here. Humans wouldn’t even create such a place for our enemies. God or humans can’t possibly be happy in heaven if loved ones are tormented after death forever. If God supposedly has such control over happiness, why not use the same power over rebelliousness?
God giving up isn’t divinely possible
God’s nature doesn’t allow giving up on forgiving. There are consequences in this life and there may be painful reckonings in the life to come, but God can’t stop showing grace. Why would God undergo a complete character lobotomy after we take our last breath here on earth? Is a thief going to enter Paradise but not others with lesser sins because they weren’t next to Jesus hanging on Cross right before their last breath? God’s grace doesn’t depend on whether one has more opportunities to respond to God than others. Even imperfect human parents wouldn’t cut off a child who eventually accepts responsibilities for their actions.
Turns out even the Bible suggests all will be saved
Skeptic readers may argue that the Bible clearly says only those who believe go to Heaven. One may be surprised that just as many verses imply God will save everyone. David Bentley Hart reminds us of the many verses in the Bible that suggest God will eventually save all. The following verses are Hart’s translation from the Greek as he attempts to not include or add words that may make the reading easier or possible convey a translator’s personal belief about being saved:
Romans 5:18–19
So, then, just as through one transgression came condemnation for all human beings, so also through one act of righteousness came a rectification of life for all human beings; for, just as by the heedlessness of one man the many were rendered sinners, so also by the obedience of the one the many will be rendered righteous
I Cor 15:22
For just as in Adam all die, so also in the Anointed (Christ) all will be given life
2 Cor 5:14
For the love of the Anointed constrains us, having reached this judgment: that one died on behalf of all; all then have died
Rom 11:32
For God shut up everyone in obstinacy so that he might show mercy to everyone
I Tim 2:3–6
…our savior God, who intends all human beings to be saved and come to a full knowledge of truth. For there is one God, and also one mediator of God and human beings: a human being, the Anointed One Jesus, who gave himself as a liberation fee for all
Titus 2: 11
For the grace of God has appeared, giving salvation to all human beings
John 12:32
And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will drag everyone to me
John 12:47
For I came not that I might judge the cosmos, but that I might save the cosmos
I John 4:14
And we have seen and attest that the Father has sent the Son as savior of the cosmos
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not delaying what is prompted, as some reckon delay, but is magnanimous toward you, intending for no one to perish, but rather for all to advance to a change of heart
Philip 2:9–11
For which reasons God also exalted him on high and graced him with the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend — of beings heavenly and earthly and subterranean — and every tongue gladly confess that Jesus the Anointed is Lord, for the glory of God the Father
I John 2:2
And he is atonement for our sins, and not only for ours, but for the whole cosmos
I Tim 4:10
We have hoped in a living God who is the savior of all human beings especially those who have faith
What about Justice?
Punishment doesn’t bring back a victim’s robbed memories of the future due to the murder of a loved one. Real justice is understanding your victim’s pain and accepting the harmfulness of your actions. After death God may bring to memory every action of betrayal and how it felt to their victims. The cleansing and educative effect may take longer for some than others. Humans like God may forgive their enemies if they truly regret their actions and seek forgiveness. Justice from a fair, merciful God is possible despite people being given a second chance after death.
What would a loving God do after death here on Earth?
We don’t know what happens after life here on earth. No one can claim the Bible has the definitive answer. We are free to speculate what a loving God might do. It is just as reasonable, if not more reasonable, to believe a loving God that is able to create will take forever, if necessary, to save everyone from themselves. God only wants to help you become the person you deep down desire to come. We will fail but God is quick to forgive and help us to get back up. Go ahead and live like Hell while here on earth! Careful the regrets you, your family, and friends will feel at the end of your life. Careful that our character developed here on earth may make the change process longer and more painful in the life to come.
All Will End Up Heaven According To The Bible!
Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: