Are We Controlled by the Holy Spirit?
The Spirit Made Me Do It
by Jim Gordon
Many of us in the Christian world have had questions as to how the Holy Spirit works in our lives. Does the Spirit control us, speak to us, guide us or teach us? If so, how? These are certainly good questions and not always easy to answer.
We read in the bible, that after Jesus ascended into heaven, he said he would send us another Comforter. The Holy Spirit came to live within us, and we became the new temple of God. God’s Spirit now lives within us, his people, and not in a building made by hands.
The purpose of the Spirit is to be our comforter and to remind us of who we are in Christ. For those who are followers of Christ, the Spirit no longer convicts us of sin. Jesus destroyed the sin nature and we are forgiven by his grace. The Spirit is in our lives to teach, guide, encourage and remind us of our righteousness in Christ. The Spirit ultimately leads us to become more like Jesus.
The Spirit can speak to us through many sources. Most people think of the bible first, but we cannot limit the Spirit to only a book. The Spirit can speak through people, dreams, intuitions and common sense. God gave us a mind. The bible says we have the mind of Christ. Do not limit the Spirit to only one way of communication.
We have to be careful to discern what is Spirit and what is natural. Since we still live in an earthen body, we will have thoughts that are natural and some that are spiritual. For me, I have noticed that sometimes a thought will come to me, seemingly out of nowhere, and I have a feeling of peace or a sense of knowing this is not from me.
I also believe there are many instances when we give more credit to spiritual things than we should. How often have we heard someone say the devil made me do it? Or we hear someone tell us that God told them to do this or that, or to tell us something supposedly direct from God?
I do not believe we should say the devil made me do it, no more than we should say the Holy Spirit made me do it. God gave us free will. Free will is an act of love, and God is love. The Holy Spirit guides and teaches us, but does not control us.
If the Spirit controlled us to the point we had no choice, what kind of love would that be? True love of God is done from free will. We choose to love God and we decide to follow him. We are not forced or controlled by some spiritual force within us.
As an example, there are many people who do not even believe in God who are more loving and kinder than some who call themselves Christian. I believe this is due to our upbringing and circumstances that mold us into the kind of person we become. Obviously, the Holy Spirit changes us and guides us, but as mentioned before, we do have free will. What we were taught by our parents, our circumstances and environment while growing up, will still have an effect on the kind of people we are in general. The Holy Spirit is certainly with us, teaching, encouraging, uplifting us in our walk with God. He is our comforter and our guide, yet God has given us free will to do as we please.
Truly loving God is wanting to do what is pleasing to him because we love him, not because we are controlled to do so. Listen for the still, small voice within you as you seek to be guided daily by the Spirit.
Jim Gordon and his wife left the institutional church after spending over fifty years within the system. Jim wanted a way to express his thoughts and concerns about the religious system and why he and his wife decided to leave the institution but not their faith in God. Jim can be contacted by email at: