At A Funeral Can You Assure All Will Be Reunited With Their Loved One?
By Mike Edwards
Many are taught only those who recite the sinner’s prayer and accept Jesus as their Savior go to heaven. I recently spoke at my friend’s funeral and assured the family one day they would be reunited. I didn’t know about their relationship with God. My friend lived an amazing unselfish life, but that isn’t my point. I suppose if speaking at Hitler’s funeral, you might just remain silent about any reunion. We should never think it is wrong to provide hope to those grieving.
Belief in a Creator or afterlife is a reasonable faith
You may or may not believe Jesus resurrected from the dead. I happen to be convinced historical reports about Jesus were more real than legend. See here. Maybe if you saw Jesus alive after being crucified, you would believe too. Billions, regardless of this belief, have an inclination that God and an afterlife exist. Such faith isn’t much different than faith in general. We still get on an airplane, not because we know but have reason to believe it is safe. Faith doesn’t require certainty!
Who goes to heaven?
If you grew up in the institutional church, you likely heard those who put their trust in Jesus while on earth go to heaven. The topic that over half the people born into this world had never heard of Jesus is often avoided. Too, the Bible isn’t clear either where people go after death. See here. No biblical writer claimed God spoke to them audibly what was on the other side of death. Even when Jesus was asked by a religious expert how to have eternal life, He simply said to love God and your neighbor (Lk.10:25–37). This wasn’t much of an evangelical spiel.
Is God a forgiving God or what?
Forgiveness is considered a central characteristic of God. Does God suddenly stop forgiving after we take our last breath here on earth? God can’t pretend every reason a person refuses God in this life is equal. Even imperfect human parents would never cut off a child if finally accepting responsibilities for their actions. What about justice? After death God may bring to memory every action of betrayal and how it felt to their victims. The cleansing and educative effect may take longer for some than others if accepting God’s invitation to live forever with God.
What then is the purpose of living a loving life here on earth?
Why bother living a good life here on earth if all is eventually forgiven for those that eventually ask for forgiveness. Jesus’ message wasn’t on quantity of life after death but a life worth living here on earth. If one desires to look back on their relationships with fewer regrets, consider Jesus’ advice to avoid the destructive consequences of sin. There is hope for our loved ones who had their reasons for not accepting God in this life. Just be careful of justifying a self-centered life. We could become set in such attitudes after our last breath. But I am convinced a loving God and not circumstances or chances determine our final destination.
What I assure people of when one they love has died
I said at my friend’s funeral that those in the room would be reunited with their husband, father, grandfather, brother. I said I am convinced there is a God and an afterlife. My God is loving and would accept anyone that desired to live in eternity with God. The way I knew my friend — God would welcome him with a big hug and say well done my friend. It is a reasonable hope that we all can look forward to be reunited with our loved ones.
At A Funeral Can You Assure All Will Be Reunited With Their Loved One?
Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: