Be at Peace with All Men….Really?
by Jim Gordon
Romans 12:18 — If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. That almost sounds like an impossibility in our world today. To be at peace with all men, including believers and non-believers, those who accept God and those who do not accept that there is a God. Live at peace with those who believe in a similar way we do and those who believe in a variety of different ways than us.
With all the different thoughts and ideas, the different denominations, interpretations and beliefs, all the different religions, how could it be possible to be at peace with everyone?
The dictionary says of peace: freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions; harmony in personal relations.
I think this is what God is saying, that we are to live in harmony with our fellow human beings, not allowing any oppressive thoughts or emotions to take control of our feelings towards others. In other words, we live in love. Just because someone does not interpret the Bible the same way we do, or go to the same church we do, or does not go to church at all, we should realize that as believers we are all wanting to please God and do what we feel led to do out of love. We should respect the fact that God is working in different ways in people. Just because people see things differently does not mean it is not of God.
In regard to non-believers, we should not be condemning them or forcing our beliefs on them. We need to let them see the love of God, yet they do not need someone beating them down or twisting their arms to get them to believe like us. We are to love them as they are and allow them the freedom to make their own choices in spiritual matters.
If we believers could just understand that we are responsible for ourselves in the way we live for God. We are not responsible to force our beliefs on others. We are to allow God to work in our lives and follow God on the path the Spirit has for us. Our responsibility is to love God and love everyone we come in contact with, accept them for who they are and let the Holy Spirit work in all our lives. Living in this manner would accomplished much more in showing the love of Christ to those we have contact with each day.
Jim Gordon and his wife left the institutional church after spending over fifty years within the system. Jim wanted a way to express his thoughts and concerns about the religious system and why he and his wife decided to leave the institution but not their faith in God. Jim can be contacted by email at: