God Is Exactly Like Who You Think!
By Mike Edwards
If you read my weekly Posts, you know I write on this topic a lot. It’s just that I believe many have a misinformed view of what God is like which drives them away from God though they wish they had a closer relationship. This misinformation often come from Christians or their institutions. Since God doesn’t speak audibly to most of us, we are free to speculate what God must truly be like. Let me try to convince you that God is what your moral conscience tells you, unless you don’t believe in treating others like you want to be treated.
It’s not presumptuous to imagine what a loving God is like through our moral inclinations
A Book cannot be the sole determinate of what God is like since scholars interpret the same passages differently. Also, the majority of people born in this world did not have a copy of the Bible. We are left to wonder how a Perfect God, the only God worth believing in, truly loves. If a Creator exists, it is only intuitive that a Creator loves the ways their creations ought to love one another. We all seem to know the question we ought to ask ourselves — am I loving others perfectly? Or am I loving others like I want to be loved.
Women, gays, and Hell
A major reason many believe women can’t be leaders of men in the religion institutions or marriage is because their inspired Book says so. Many believe God condemns gays, though many of us have gay friends who feel no choice in being attracted to the same gender any more than straights can explain why attracted to the opposite gender. Many believe God orders the death of infidels, often by torture, in this life or the life to come after death. Most of us would not even do that to our worst enemies. I am convinced one of the main reasons rational folks have these beliefs is because they believe they owe their God allegiance because of a Book their God supposedly inspired. See here.
What about views we disagree on
One main reason rational people don’t agree on many moral issues is because of their interpretation of their Holy Book. We must find ways to have conversations with one another, though we don’t have the same interpretations. There can be differences in views about God concerning women, gays, and Hell. We all must admit uncertainty in our views about what a loving God is like, unless it concerns universal morals such as sexual abuse, murder, etc. Concerning challenges such as immigration or climate actions, democratic societies have the advantage of the majority vote and who is chosen to make such decisions for us as a nation. Dictatorships of course only result in the powerful enforcing their views on the powerless.
What about those who don’t believe in a God?
I’m convinced we all have internal “shoulds” how to treat others, whether by natural or spiritual influence. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in a Creator or not. You still expect me to treat you like I want to be treated. We all are accountable to the golden rule, whether you believe in a God or not. Extremists often believe others should be killed for being infidels, but they don’t want their loved one to be treated as such if others of different religion feel differently.
What to believe about God?
Don’t determine your view of God according to what others believe or claim but how you think you ought to treat others unless you are an extremist. Please stop being so certain if it doesn’t involve an almost universal belief. Have open discussions, share what you have in common, and try to discover the best action for the good of most.
God Is Exactly Like Who You Think!
Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. He couldn’t find enough people to discuss God openly so he started blogging years ago. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: medwar2@gmail.com