God Is Not Up There Somewhere
by Jim Gordon
Have you noticed how people like to look up toward the sky when they think of God? I recently watched several football players giving God praise by looking up and pointing toward the sky. Many of us who are Christians seem to think of God as being up in the sky somewhere looking down on us. We are taught in our churches that God is up there and someday we will go to be with God.
We tend to forget that the Kingdom of God is within us. We are told that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and God resides within us. The sad fact is that we really do not act like we believe this truth.
If we could only get it in our head and down in our spirit that God is not somewhere up there, far away in heaven. God lives within us by the Spirit. We have the Spirit within us to teach and guide us. The bible says we have the mind of Christ.
We are living in the Kingdom of God right now. Yes, we are constrained by our human body, but our spirit is one with God’s Spirit and we are spiritually living with God in the Kingdom now.
It would be nice to begin hearing more about the presence of God within us right now. More often we hear about a God who is far away and who may show up from time to time to bless us if we attend the right meeting at the right place.
God is here now, living within us. God is with us each and every day walking with us in whatever we go through in our daily life. God loves us and is concerned about us and is there for our good. It can be a hard thing to get the old teachings of the church out of our heads and accept the fact that God lives within us now. It reminds me of the old saying ‘you can take the boy out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the boy’. In this case, you can take the boy out of religion but you can’t take religion out of the boy.
Religion is man’s way of making his way to God. Yet we find out that man cannot come to God by our efforts and good works. Grace is the only way man comes to God, and it is all by the grace of God through Jesus.
Once Jesus left this earth he sent us a comforter, the Spirit who now dwells within the people of God. The Church is not a religious organization and is not a building. The Church are the followers of Jesus whether they attend a physical church or not.
God lives within us. God’s home is within us and God is with us spiritually just as much now as when our earthly body passes away and we live in our glorified, spiritual bodies.
Start making the effort to see things as God says they are, not as we have been taught within religion. God is not up in the sky, God lives within us. We are the temple and each of us collectively form the kingdom body now.
Jim Gordon and his wife left the institutional church after spending over fifty years within the system. Jim wanted a way to express his thoughts and concerns about the religious system and why he and his wife decided to leave the institution but not their faith in God. Jim can be contacted by email at: jimgordon731@gmail.com