Hello Atul, thank you for taking the time to read my article and to make a comment.
I do not totally disagree with your comment. If I led you to believe that I believe the Old Testament is the only true part of the Bible, that is not what I meant. Although at the time of Jesus, the OT was all the people had to go by.
I also did not mean to make it sound like the laws and commands are outdated, but that they are fulfilled in Christ and no longer a means to live by. So yes, Jesus did break the yoke of the OT laws.
What many people do not think about is Jesus lived under the old covenant and taught the old covenant. It was in effect during his life here on earth…..until the crucifixion.
I also believe that God was misrepresented in the OT as being mean, judgmental and hateful, things that Jesus came to prove wrong. God is love and he has always been a loving God. I do believe sometimes men, although inspired, still wrote from their personal perspective and misrepresented who God truly is.
Jesus did come to show us what God is really like. I am not sure people of the time would consider Jesus cool, but he certainly was forgiving, non-judgmental toward sinners and loving.
I also believe Jesus fulfilled the law of the OT and he did break the cause and effect of the requirements of the law. I do not believe in the idea of a ritual, ceremonial and moral law. Law was law and he fulfilled them all.
The New Covenant began at the death and resurrection of Jesus and it is one of love and grace. The NC says that humans are no longer dependent upon trying to obey the laws given to the Jewish people under the Old Covenant.
For those of us who follow Christ, our sins and our judgment was nailed to the cross. God remembers them no more. I believe that Jesus was making perfectly clear by his teaching in the Sermon on the Mount that God wants perfection, obedience and total love between him and his people. Of course, human beings are incapable of living a perfect life and Jesus was making his point of dependence on Him. We who are in Christ are forgiven, holy and righteous by his grace. There is no longer any condemnation nor judgment coming to us, all because of his grace and not our adherence to any laws or works.
These are my views and opinions at this time. Although I know that none of us will ever completely agree on everything, I hope this explains my views a little better. Thanks again for writing.