Hi Miguel, thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate that you took the time to write. One thing that is interesting is that the church you asked questions about doctrine actually listened and tried to answer. That does not always happen in some churches. I remember the church I grew up in, the pastor would take my questions and try to answer, yet at that point, they were never serious doctrinal questions. Another church I attended for a while, would not even allow access to the pastor to ask questions. I am glad you still keep fellowship with the church, yet you are open to asking questions and thinking for yourself. So many people take what the pastor says as gospel and do not go any further. In regard to your question, no, my wife and I have been out of the church for about ten years and right now have no intention of returning. Now, there is nothing wrong with going to church, but at this point in time for us, we are enjoying fellowship outside of the organization. I think the main point is to remember that church is a place of fellowship with other believers, but the main thing is daily walking with God knowing the Spirit of God lives within us and guides us. Thanks again for your comment.