How Do We Parent A Child In Faith?
By Mike Edwards
Belief in a loving God can provide meaning and purpose in life. A belief in a God who loves us can be a valuable source for support and comfort. What is the harm in telling our children there is a God or there is a heaven after death even if we can’t know for sure? We promise our kids all the time we will keep them safe. When asked if their house will burn down, you say it won’t happen to us. You don’t know that. Such a belief isn’t a false belief. As children are older parents can share more why they believe in a God.
We must be careful what you claim God is like
Many make claims about God according to the Bible, but biblical scholars who have a deep respect for Scriptures don’t agree what the Bible says about gays, women, hell, and other moral issues. See here. See here. See here. To claim the “Bible says” is frankly a little naive. Besides, even if we agreed on interpretation, we can’t prove God controlled the thoughts and writing of the writers of the Bible in conveying a perfect view of what God was like. If I had it to do over, I would stick to claiming about God certain universal absolutes such as the evil of physical or sexual abuse. Focus on God’s loving nature and desire for the golden rule in relationships.
What can we be certain is true of God?
Atheists and believers agree. The only God worth believing in is a perfect God. It is only intuitive that a Creator loves the ways their creations ought to love one another. Many of us are into God but many of us left the institutional church because claims about God’s character was contrary to our deepest moral intuitions. Why believe in a God you can’t respect. We may not always know what perfect love entails but we seem to know the question we ought to ask ourselves — am I loving others like I want to be loved? Perfect Godly love surely is the same as perfect human love.
How do we answer about suffering and evil?
Perhaps the hardest question to answer as a parent, as children get older, is why there is so much evil and suffering in the world if God truly exist. Lack of certainty doesn’t mean there aren’t plausible reasons how a loving God can exist in such a world. Well-meaning people passionate about God often say things like “it’s all part of God’s plan” or “everything happens for a reason.” It implies evil is some grand scheme by God. How is a God, who supposedly can prevent evil, any different than a parent who stands by and watches their child being physically or sexually abused? Evil and suffering in the world may be because God cannot intervene single-handedly while respecting freedom. God can’t interfere in evil without human help. See here.
Faith is between your child and God
I wrote here suggesting parents can relax that their child’s eternal life depends on certain beliefs. Parents can go about having a normal relationship with their child when it comes to “God” matters. Just be an open book when children want to talk about God. As children age and less natural conversation happen, you don’t need to schedule outings or trips in hopes the God-conversation comes up. I get with my children and friends to enjoy one another. When they hurt, I want to be there for them. When they want to talk about God, I am there. Personally, I love talking about God as much as others like talking about their favorite hobby. But, don’t push your agenda. Enjoy your children. Relax. Encourage them. When they are treating others like dirt, show and tell them what true love is like. Trust God will speak to your child as they age when they want to listen.
How Do We Parent A Child In Faith?
Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: