How Do We Pursue “Truth” That Will Heal A Nation?
By Mike Edwards
Claiming Truth falsely can be destructive. Many Christian leader claim that we as a people and nation must rely on biblical truth. Can we always know what biblical truth is? Attempts have been made to censor mis-informers in the public arena. Can we always know what misinformation is concerning science or political policies? We must be careful what we claim as Truth and how we interact with others during uncertainty.
What is scientific or biblical truth?
The bedrock of science use to be considering hypotheses to explain a phenomenon in the natural world. It is an educated guess based on the information we have currently have and could change if we get new information in the future. Drugs are often approved initially, only to be pulled from the shelves later after causing death. The truth is that it isn’t science if there isn’t debate!
Ancient literature subject to interpretation cannot be the definitive word on truth. Besides, even if all agreed that the Bible correctly interpreted confirms God condemns gays or forbids women in leadership in religious institutes, we cannot prove that the writers always portrayed God accurately. Any biblical truth claimed must also agree with natural truth such as sexual abuse is evil; otherwise, we must purse truth with an open mind.
Are there self-evident truths we can agree on?
No, one can’t just follow their own heart! What reasonable or rational person doesn’t expect the golden rule from others in their own relationships. Our inborn sense of good and evil, not an ancient Book, tells us sexual abuse or murder is immoral. Most criminals don’t defend their murders or thefts; instead, they deny committing such crimes. We don’t debate many laws, only what is a just punishment. It is a dictatorship not a democracy when we impose our will on issues such as pandemic responses, taxes, climate change, immigration, etc. Dictatorships don’t end well. Benefits and risks exist for most issues.
Freedom of speech is critical
Denying free expression of belief is playing Superior in the lives of others. God is the example for God-believers. God has respected freedom of beliefs from the very beginning; otherwise, God who is powerful enough to create would annihilate immediately those who oppose God by choosing evil. Freedom is necessary for authenticity, the highest good in relationships, or we could accuse God of not creating the “best” world. A true debate of differing opinions, regardless if you think one is a heretic or conspiracist, is our best chance at arriving at the most caring decision for all concerned. Until we all ask ourselves “am I acting toward others like I want to be treated,” we are destined to fail. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t confront those who reject freedom of speech!
Uncertainty can be a good thing
Certainty rather than uncertainty comforts individuals psychologically. One may believe the seemingly certain narrative because unknowing can create anxiety. When only one side is presented, control and power grow intentionally or unintentionally. It should be intuitive denying diverse opinions is unloving and controlling. Couples who act as if they are always right and their partner is wrong are headed toward divorce. Having good intentions by believing you are right for the whole doesn’t matter when certainty isn’t universal. God-followers and religious leaders seem hell-bent in telling people what they must believe about God according to their understanding and interpretation of the Bible. Politicians seem hell-bent in claiming certainty regarding policies such as climate change and immigration, though there are arguments on both sides.
Should we avoid those who claim certainty and don’t pursue truth civilly?
One has every right to question when one claims certainty regarding non-self-evident truths. Even evil people don’t think others can violate their rights in ways that they violate others. A refusal to openly discuss or defend one’s views suggest an unhealthy dependency on “certainty.” If someone makes false claims of those who oppose them such as calling them racists, without being able to give specific examples, are they really interested in pursuing truth? How about “they have a different opinion!”
What are necessary paths to pursing truth?
There are truths which almost has universal agreement. Do you know one person who denies adultery is wrong except the betrayer?
- Shouldn’t Christian leaders quit always claiming their biblical interpretation is correct and at least acknowledge literature requires interpretation “according to their understanding?”
- Shouldn’t we examine all Books about religion to discern what seems the most universally true? What are Christians afraid of if they have the truth?
- Shouldn’t we listen to everyone’s opinion and seek to discern together what is the most loving action according to the circumstances?
- Shouldn’t we first stop claiming our views are morally superior to those we disagree with unless speaking of universal accepted moral truths
- Shouldn’t we can begin conversations by looking for areas we agree?
- Shouldn’t we discuss differences by defending our reasoning, respecting the opinions of others, and commit to growing in understanding
- Shouldn’t we stop labeling those who disagree with our biblical interpretations as heretics?
- Shouldn’t we can stop calling those who disagree with our views of science as conspiracists?
Open-minded uncertainty, rather than supposed certainty, could go a long way to healing our nation and personal relationships. Imagine how different as a people we would be if religious and political folks had open discussions what are the most caring actions for the greater good concerning non-universal matters such as immigration or climate policies. Most religions agree the overriding moral guide is to love others like you want to be treated. Belief or lack of belief in God doesn’t give you an excuse to not treat others like you want to be treated.
How Do We Pursue Truth That Will Heal A Nation?
Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. He couldn’t find enough people to discuss God openly so he started blogging years ago. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: