Is A Godless Nation An Immoral Nation?

Done with Religion
3 min readJun 20, 2023


By Mike Edwards

Let’s stop with the excuses! Certain actions are immoral regardless of whether you claim faith in God or no faith at all. I am bias that a belief in a moral, loving God can be a tremendous influence on one’s behavior, but nations are not doomed because of lack of belief in God. There are moral atheists and friends who don’t wear God on their sleeves that put to shame us people of faith. Faith is an individual choice!

God never intended to force belief

God created freedom for a reason. Forced love is an oxymoron. Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the very best world where only true, authentic relationships can develop. Freedom allows human to develop qualities of moral character that cannot be created initially. True love doesn’t insist on its own way (I Cor 13:5). We are dependent on our children for intimate relationships. God is dependent on us. God would only give us uncontrolled freedom if seeking a partnership and friendship with us.

Can right be determined from wrong without God or religion?

No religion can claim right from wrong according to their revered book. Many claim to be certain about God according to the Bible, but biblical scholars who have a deep respect for Scriptures don’t agree what the Bible says about gays or women rights. See here. See here. Supposed right interpretations or that God agreed with what was recorded has led to many abuses. Are we really claiming those who never had a Bible didn’t know right from wrong? Whether you believe in a Creator or not, most rational people agree on many moral actions. Perfect rights or laws are those that demonstrate loving others like we want to be love. Freedom to debate such actions is essential.

Our rights don’t come from other human beings

I believe the Declaration of Independence and Constitution makes the U.S. unique from most other countries. They declare we all have “unalienable rights” such as freedom to speak. See here. No Government or Dictator can take such rights away. Our Democracy allows representation through voting, though certain individual rights must be safeguarded. There must be true debate of differing opinions to possibly arrive at the most caring decision.

How do we create a more loving Nation?

I am bias. Many positives can result from a belief in a divine Lover. Such a Being can empower and inspire us in our relationships with others. Regardless though of your faith, most rational beings agree on many universal moral values (murder, stealing). And no — climate control, immigration, taxes, health care, are not universal laws! Freedom to discuss contrary opinions can lead to the most caring decisions. Ideally, good ideas win the debate. Opinions about the Covid vaccines were squashed and we were mandated to get the shot to protect Grandma, but it turns the shots didn’t prevent infection or transmission. Until we all ask ourselves “am I acting toward others like I want to be treated,” we seem destined to fail.

Is a Godless Nation An Immoral Nation?

Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at:



Done with Religion
Done with Religion

Written by Done with Religion

Done with religion does not mean done with God, but done with religious traditions. We post articles weekly about living for God outside the walls of religion.

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