Is God’s Love Different Than Perfect Human Love?
By Mike Edwards
No one can definitively say what exactly God’s love is like. Surely the only God worth believing in must be perfectly loving as opposed to in any way hateful. Isn’t it only intuitive to think that if there is a Creator, that a Creator loves the ways their creations should love one another. We all seem to know the question we ought to ask ourselves — am I loving others perfectly. Surely, perfect human love is the same as Godly love.
How handle different biblical opinions?
A Book cannot be the sole determinate of what God’s love is like since ancient literature is subject to interpretation. Reasonable interpreters don’t agree that God in the Bible condemns gays, that God restricts the roles of women in religious institutions, that God condemns unbelievers in this life to a fiery, torturous existence in the afterlife. See here. See here. See here. We must handle our biblical differences without dogmatically claiming our interpretation is right. The question to ask is if you were in someone’s shoes (gay, woman, non-Christian), how would you want to be loved? Such thoughts should influence our interpretation.
How handle different political opinions?
Political differences are often handled similarly to biblical differences. We claim certainty, though there can be genuine debate, and we throw around labels such as heretic or conspiracist. Reasonable people don’t agree how to handle climate change challenges. The same with what is the most compassionate — an open or closed border. We must respect one’s another freedom to have their own opinion. Denying free expression of belief is playing Superior in the lives of others. A true debate of differing opinions, regardless if you think one is a heretic or conspiracist, is our best chance at arriving at the most caring decision for all concerned.
What was Jesus’ thoughts on God’s love?
Many, including me, are convinced to understand Jesus is to understand God. It seems Jesus came to suggest salvation is a current life of love, not a future destination to avoid Hell. Jesus told the woman who had committed adultery: “go now, and leave your life of sin” (John 8). Where was Jesus’ evangelical spiel? Jesus was asked by a religious expert how to have eternal life. He simply said to love God and your neighbor (Lk.10:25–37), since loving God leads to loving others. Jesus confronted the religious who kept laws but didn’t follow Jesus with their heart. Godly love seeks to empower us to be the unselfish people we deep down desire to be for a better world. See here.
Is human or godly love really a mystery?
We all have yearnings to be treated how we seem to know how we ought to treat others. What reasonable or rational person doesn’t expect the golden rule from others in their own relationships. Our inborn sense of good and evil, not an ancient Book, tells us sexual abuse or murder is immoral. Many in the public arena throw out derogatory labels when others don’t share their same view on less than obvious universal truths. Try that in your personal relationships! People deep down know how to handle disagreements. Until we all ask ourselves “am I acting toward others like I want to be treated,” we are destined to fail.
Is God’s Love Different Than Perfect Human Love?
Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. He couldn’t find enough people to discuss God openly so he started blogging years ago. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: