My Top Posts Of 2021
By Mike Edwards
The Good News couldn’t be about escaping a fiery, torturous God if such a hell isn’t biblical. What do the Gospels claim the Good News about God is?
What Really Is The Good News About God According To The Bible?
Well-meaning people passionate about God say things like “it’s all part of God’s plan” or “everything happens for a reason.” Is evil and suffering really some grand scheme by God?
Can We Stop Saying “Everything Happens For A Reason”!
We can’t prove God inspired the Bible or God didn’t. Are there good reasons to error on the side that God didn’t inspire all of the Bible?
Why We Must Argue The Bible Is Not Inspired By God!
Many are rightly disheartened about God when more prayers are unanswered than answered. How does prayer work and why bother?
Why Bother To Pray If It Doesn’t Work!
A loving God wouldn’t only let Christians into heaven when the majority of people born into this world died without knowledge of Jesus the Christ. One’s religion or rebellion against a certain religion is often based on the family born into whether it is Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. Is God really a God of chance?
What Does God Think Of Non-Christian Religions?
A loving God couldn’t possibly condemn gays when they can no more choose who they are attracted to than straights can? Who chooses to be gay when one has to hide their sexuality because of bigotry and hostility?
What Does God Believe About Gays?
Jesus-followers in the first century had a radical impact in their world and centuries to come. Why aren’t such followers having more of an impact today?
What Reforms Are Necessary In Christianity?
A threatening God, or threatening parents, hardly helps break away from bad habits or behaviors we long to change. What kind of God is more likely to encourage positive change?
It Matters If Your God Is Nurturing Or Authoritative!
Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: