Please Stop Claiming You Know Biblical Truth!

Done with Religion
4 min readJun 27, 2024


By Mike Edwards

Christian leaders of companies or religious institutes often claim they are guided or adhere to biblical principles. This implies biblical understandings are agreed upon by all who follow the Bible, and non-followers have less than ideal morals. Supposed biblical truths have harmed billions of people — women, gays, non-Christians.

The Bible can’t be the sole determinant of truth

Ancient literature subject to interpretation cannot be the definitive word on truth. The truth is biblical scholars who have a deep respect for Scriptures don’t agree what the Bible says about gays, women, hell, and other moral issues. See here. See here. See here. Gays are often condemned and women’s leadership roles are limited, despite their gifts, in God’s name. It is suggested a fiery torturous afterlife awaits infidels. Is this how a loving God would love? A Creator surely loves the way creatures intuitively think they ought to love. Please consider that your interpretation isn’t necessarily biblical or more moral.

Truths aren’t hidden in a Book

Self-evident rights aren’t hidden in the Bible or any Book. We all have an inborn sense of good and evil. No reasonable human being doesn’t respect the universal compulsion to treat others like we want to be treated. Who but the guilty don’t agree sexual abuse or murder is evil. We must have open discussions which laws are the most caring for the greater good concerning non-universal matters such as immigration or climate policies. Personal beliefs about God can be shared in the public arena without imposing or assuming we all agree what biblical truths are.

Belief in God or unbelief is not an excuse for chaos

Politicians often claim or imply that our rights are given by God. Any such belief is personal not universal and should be stated so. Self-evident rights may be found in a Book or natural law, as we all have an inborn sense of good and evil. Rational beings know sexual abuse is evil. We can though have healthy debates what policies are for the greater good. Christians can share their personal beliefs in the public arena without imposing or assuming all agree what biblical values are.

What language did Jesus use in personally representing God?

Jesus did not come to overthrow Roman rule to establish a Christian nation. Jesus seemed to understand freedom of personal beliefs is necessary for authenticity, the highest good in personal relationships or a relationship with God. Jesus never told anyone to take a knee and express certain beliefs to be saved. See here. When Jesus was asked what were the greatest commandments, He said to start loving God and your neighbor as yourself (Mt. 22:34–40). Jesus understood loving God influences and inspires loving others to the fullest. Jesus told the woman who had committed adultery: “go now, and leave your life of sin” (John 8). Sin destroys and doesn’t lead to personal happiness in the long-run! God desires to help avoids regrets in this life.

How can Christian express their views of God in the public arena

We can avoid accusations of Christian nationalism by the words we use. Jesus didn’t come to establish a Christian nation. You may personally believe your rights come from God, but not all believe in or have a relationship with God. Respect the beliefs of others through your words. And rights don’t come from man/woman (Government) either. Don’t come off pushing God or your own beliefs on others. Regardless of beliefs, until we all ask ourselves “am I acting toward others like I want to be treated,” we are destined to fail. I would argue that natural law and biblical law, if we could assume perfect understanding of God, are surely one and the same. We can at times express our beliefs about God to others and how personally God encourages us to carry out our mission to treat others well. But we can all discuss what is loving referring to personal beliefs!

Please Stop Claiming You Know Biblical Truth!

Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. He couldn’t find enough people to discuss God openly so he started blogging years ago. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at:



Done with Religion

Done with religion does not mean done with God, but done with religious traditions. We post articles weekly about living for God outside the walls of religion.