Should We Call Ourselves A Judeo-Christian Nation?
By Mike Edwards
The Founders of the United States certainly believe in a Creator (see here ), but they also respected one’s freedom to determine their own religious beliefs. They wouldn’t argue atheists should be discriminated against. The Bible is the foundation behind the Judeo-Christian heritage. Good and bad has arisen as a result because of how the Bible is viewed. The Bible has been used to cause harm to women by declaring husbands as their leader rather than God. But a Nation that lives by the 10 Commandments doesn’t need law enforcement. Actions are immoral regardless of whether you claim belief in God or the Bible. Universal truths exist regardless of your belief.
A Judeo-Christian label doesn’t respect God’s freedom of belief
Christians who believe in a Bible must admit that Jesus didn’t come to overthrow the Roman Empire to establish a Christian nation. Jesus biggest opponent seems to be the religious who claim to represent God. God obviously respects one’s personal choice to believe in God or not; otherwise, why wouldn’t a supposed all-powerful God destroy unbelievers at the first sight of evil in the world? Without freedom we could accuse God of not creating the very best world where only true, authentic relationships can develop. We are dependent on our children for intimate relationships. God would only give us uncontrolled freedom if seeking a friendship with us.
A Judeo-Christian label assumes truth comes from a Book
Insisting on Judeo-Christians values as a nation’s foundation can suggest such values come from the Bible. The majority of people born into this world didn’t have a Bible but surely understand moral values. Different Religions can agree on most moral values though they don’t share the same Book of values. Values don’t just come from a Book. Even if God inspired a Book word for word somehow, God can’t control interpretations being infallible. Biblical scholars who respect Scriptures don’t agree what the Bible teaches about many moral values — women rights, gay condemnation, Hell, and the afterlife , etc. See here. See here. See here.
Where do values come from?
Moral values are not determined by a Book, popular opinion, or by a few in power. No, one can’t just always follow their own heart! There are universal values that most rational people agree on such as murder, stealing, equal rights for all, etc. We simply may disagree what would the punishment should be for breaking such a law. That must be debated openly. Most religions agree the overriding moral guide is to love others like you want to be treated. Belief or lack of belief in God doesn’t give you an excuse to not treat others like you want to be treated.
What kind of nation are we then?
Believing in “biblical values” doesn’t lead to consensus of belief. What kinds of immigration or climate policies we should pursue aren’t universal truths. A Nation can never reach its potential until there is open, free debate what is the most caring decision for all involved. Until we all ask ourselves “am I acting toward others like I want to be treated,” we seem destined to fail. Are we a loving Nation? The U.S. Constitution may be the greatest guarantor of freedom in history. Certain alienable rights must exist such as the freedom for life and liberty if such decisions are not physically harmful to others. We can express individually and respect one’s belief or not in a moral, loving God. This is who we are as a Nation!
Should We Call Ourselves A Judeo-Christian Nation?
Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: