Social Media
It Can Cause Much Hatred
by Michael Donahoe
I have watched with displeasure at times the discussions and comments on Social Media. This is a common way of communication these days and it is very easy to be bold and argumentative while using it. We express our thoughts and feelings in a much meaner way than we would if we were face to face.
I think most people find that sitting in front of a computer screen gives a sense of boldness and openness to express themselves in ways that are not always a good thing. I think there is something about not being in the presence of someone or seeing their facial expressions that emboldens us and allows our mean side to come out.
To me it is the same feeling you can get when you get behind the wheel of a car. All of a sudden we seem to be in attack mode. We blow our horn at others, yell and curse and flip people off, yet if we walked by them on the street we would probably smile and say hello.
There is something about face to face communication that usually changes the way we talk to and treat others. Face to face communication seems to take away the meanness we usually find with social media communication. Looking someone in the face, being in their presence seems to soften the way we talk and respond.
Why is it we cannot see the human being behind the computer screen? Why is it we feel the meanness, and an emboldened power to treat others with contempt? Remember Jesus said to love not only those who love you, but to love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.
There is nothing wrong with social media and communicating through it. Just keep in mind that there is another human being on the other end, and even though we are not in their physical presence the things we say and the way we react has an impact on them. Let us make it a point to have a positive, encouraging impact when we communicate with others.
The way of Jesus is the way of love. Whether it be online or in person we are to love our neighbors. In our world today living in love is becoming rare. Yet by doing so, it will be noticed and it will make a difference in the lives of those who are hurting and so desperately looking for love and acceptance from their fellow human beings.
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Michael Donahoe was added as a writer as his views fit perfectly with those of Done with Religion. He also writes on Substack at