The Kingdom of This World
by Jim Gordon
The political situation in the United States right now is really not the best in my opinion. Seems most every country has political issues and difficulties, but here it seems unusually different.
After one of the most different elections I can remember with all the talk of fraud, the events of the extremist’s groups and all the arguing about who is right and who is wrong, it would feel good to get back to some peace and calm in our political arena.
Politics can be very divisive. It can cause anger and hard feelings among friends and family. We want to take sides and argue our case even when it causes division among us. All the while we are arguing and losing friendships, the political party or the politician we are supporting could not care less about us.
Speaking to christians only, we know that the political system is not our answer. Jesus said that his kingdom is not of this world. As followers of Christ, we are living spiritually in the Kingdom of God. For us to get caught up in the anger, hatred, divisiveness and all the arguing over political parties and politicians is really sad to see. We know that Jesus came promoting another Kingdom. It was not one of this world or like the governments of this world. Nothing wrong with supporting those who govern the country, but it is aggravating to see people fighting and rebelling because of it and putting all their faith and hope in a political party.
It is sad to hear and read about so many christian people being more concerned over who is president and which party is in control than we hear about Jesus. It seems that many in the American church system have forgotten Jesus and the Kingdom he reigns over, and are looking to human beings as the answer. They seem ready to commit their allegiance and support to another human rather than trust in God.
We also tend to forget that the USA was founded upon the principles of freedom of religion. I do not know if this is completely true or not, but there seems to be a push by some christian groups and politicians to force biblical laws and Christian ways of life on the country. I have heard of some who want to put into law what they consider to be biblical rules and force them on everyone. This is something we just cannot do. Freedom of religion means there can be no one religion forced on everyone in the country. We are all free to choose which religion, if any, we choose to follow.
As believers, we are to pray for our leaders. Not just one leader or one party but all leaders of the government. Yet we need to remember that Jesus is King, not a president or political party. Earthly politicians and political parties come and go, but as followers of Christ, we are citizens of the Kingdom of God, and it is an eternal kingdom. Let’s invest our efforts and allegiance to this Kingdom rather than spend our energy on something that is only passing.
Another good article on this topic is by Stephen Mattson and can be read by clicking this LINK:
Jim Gordon and his wife left the institutional church after spending over fifty years within the system. Jim wanted a way to express his thoughts and concerns about the religious system and why he and his wife decided to leave the institution but not their faith in God. Jim can be contacted by email at: