We Must Rethink The Bible When It Comes To Gays!

Done with Religion
3 min readAug 11, 2023


By Mike Edwards

I am going to focus briefly on the main issue as to why I think Christians must change how they view the Bible. There are many reasons. Women suffer violence because some claim the Bible says God wants women submissive to men in ways men are not similarly submissive to women. It doesn’t matter all men don’t take a mile when given an inch. Enough do! But perhaps even worse, Christian leaders condemn gays for being gay because the Bible supposedly does. I wish I had known 40 years ago what I know now!

It doesn’t matter even if you think God inspired the Bible!

It is natural to assume inspiration means God agreed with what the biblical writers claimed about God. If writers wrote God condemns gays according to the Bible, then Christians must do the same. I doubt God inspired everything written in the Bible about God, so the writers might be wrong about God. But even if you believe God inspired every word in the Bible and agrees with all written about God, not all biblical scholars interpret that Bible condemning monogamous gay relationships. See here. I understand condemning unfaithfulness according to the Bible, but we don’t need a book for such condemnation. But claiming God through the Bible condemns gays is subject to biblical interpretation. Your interpretation may be wrong, so stay openminded.

Being gay isn’t a choice!

Many Christians, worse leaders, are quick to judge in God’s name when one admits they are gay. Listen to the Podcast of one man’s journey: Blue Babies Pink by B.T. Harman. Hopefully, it will give you compassion as to the struggles growing up gay. We condemn stealing, murder, and gayness in the same breath. Stealing is a choice. Being gay is not a choice. Listen to their stories before judging. Stop with “love the sinner, hate the sin” speeches. It is impossible to feel loved and accepted when such words are used. Even if you believe the Bible condemns gays, do you tell someone overweight that “I love you but I hate your behaviors.” Look in the mirror for most of us. I’m not overweight but my belly fat is an issue. Anyway, most gays will tell you this is not a choice they have. This is who they are. Why would anyone choose a life of hostility and bigotry?


I am begging you to not condemn gays because the Bible supposedly does. Christian leaders — show some courage and change your stance. You may not agree with my interpretations, but I will admit my interpretation could be wrong if you will. Listen to each gay’s story and love them like you would want to be loved if you had the same journey. I believe if we at least stopped claiming certainty in God’s name regarding gays or women’ roles in marriage or in church, we would have more open conversations and reveal more the loving God we believe in.

Dear Reader: If you still think being gay is a choice and you must condemn gays in God’s name, I beg you to listen to Blue Babies Pink podcast episodes or if prefer more reading than audio see blog Blue Babies Pink

We Must Rethink The Bible When It Comes To Gays!

Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: medwar2@gmail.com



Done with Religion
Done with Religion

Written by Done with Religion

Done with religion does not mean done with God, but done with religious traditions. We post articles weekly about living for God outside the walls of religion.

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