What Beliefs Are Required To Gain God’s Favor?

Done with Religion
5 min readJul 20, 2023


By Mike Edwards

Spoiler alert! No beliefs are required to engage with God unless you are the Devil! It seems to me if God is real, God can work with individuals in their own journey. Hang in there with me since many readers have heard otherwise according to the Bible. How long a leash does God give? As long as it takes or God isn’t very patient, and a worse parent than I am with my kids.

What you don’t have to believe!

It is claimed God condemns gays though who would intentionally choose a lifestyle that invites condemnation and discrimination. We are told God doesn’t want women fulfilling supposed “manly” roles though that only leads to favoritism and abuse. We are told God is a hellish, sadistic torturer according to beliefs while here on earth, but even humans wouldn’t create Hell for their worse enemies. Many claim to be so certain about God according to the Bible, but biblical scholars who have a deep respect for Scriptures don’t agree what the Bible says about gays, women, and hell, and other moral issues. See here. See here. See here. We don’t need a Book to know murder, sexual abuse, stealing, lying, etc. are wrong.

Don’t I have to forgive my abuser?

Forgiveness of others is often the central theme of the Christian faith. Many are turned away from God because claimed God requires we forgive our abuser, despite their refusal to admit any wrongdoing. For some forgiving despite lack of remorse can control bitterness. For others to forgive despite lack of remorse can cause feelings of further victimization and bitterness. Those hurt must seek the mind of God what actions in relationships are in your best interest in a world full of tragedies. You may discover God is empathetic! The Bible is not a rules book for every situation. The Bible says don’t lie, but should we lie if protecting Jews from Nazi extinction? Restitution may not be possible despite forgiveness. Be weary when the guilty start making the rules and demand to just move on. See here.

Surely God requires eventually the sinner’s prayer?

The sinner’s prayer to avoid Hell isn’t in the Bible. When Jesus interacted with a woman caught in adultery, He first stopped the crowd’s stoning attempts. Then, Jesus simply told the woman “go now, and leave your life of sin” (John 8). Pretty good advice. Didn’t Jesus have a better evangelical spiel in case He never saw the woman again? Jesus seemed on a difference mission according to the Bible than simply avoiding Hell. See here.

Don’t I have to believe Jesus was God in person and resurrected?

I am not sure if Jesus was God in human form or God’s representative here on earth. Jesus did seem to have a lot in common what seems true about a loving God. Many may have stopped reading. It gets worse. I am convinced Jesus’ resurrection isn’t legend and has solid historical verification, but others may not. Jesus told followers He was coming back from the dead and they didn’t believe Him despite witnessing Jesus’ miracles beforehand. They only believed after seeing Jesus resurrected with their own eyes. I would like to think more of us if we witness a man or woman coming back from the grave, after killed on a cross, would be convinced. You may have to believe in the possibility of a God to begin a faith journey, but don’t let doubts you have prevent taking steps toward God.

How can we really know what God is like and expects?

Some would argue the Bible tells us what God is like. But the challenge is we don’t all agree on interpretation when it comes to knowing what God is like. I don’t know one person, whether a church-goer or not, that doesn’t think any God worth believing in must be a perfect, loving God. The parent-child relationship comes to my mind when imaging how a Creator might love their creations. A parent’s perfect love is the same as God’s love. God’s love surely is other-directed not self-consumed. I only wish for my child to consider the possibility that my love only wants to help them in their journey of becoming the person deep down they want to become. We just want a chance to influence for good. Are we better lovers than God?

Can the institutional church be saved?

Many of us stopped going to “church” for good reason. The reason so many denominations exist in the Christian religion is they can’t all unite and agree on the essentials. I am skeptical of the church changing because of the lack of discussion of differences. The church is no better than our politics. Attempts are made to silence differing opinions rather than encouraging a discussion of differences that may lead to a greater good for all involved. Try it in marriage!

How can we proceed without required beliefs?

Billions in the past have believed in the possibility of a Creator. They couldn’t all be lunatics. Do you want to be more “in” with God? I am not sure there is anything to lose in beginning a journey of faith if the desire is to live life with fewer regrets. Personally, the biggest reason for being a God-follower is the inspiration and encouragement I sense in striving to be a better human being. Give God’s influence in your life a chance if so inclined. The good news is regardless of your belief — we are all still accountable to the same moral actions. Such actions are determined by discussion and striving to love others like you want to be loved.

What Beliefs Are Required To Gain God’s Favor?

Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: medwar2@gmail.com



Done with Religion
Done with Religion

Written by Done with Religion

Done with religion does not mean done with God, but done with religious traditions. We post articles weekly about living for God outside the walls of religion.

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