What Is The Greatest Destroyer Of A Nation?

Done with Religion
5 min readJun 21, 2024


By Mike Edwards

Countries ruled by Dictators where there is no personal choice have failed miserably. Human nature cries out for freedom and to not be led like sheep. Democratic nations or those who have some assemblance of freedom are fortunate if able to fight for their rights. Politics, religion, and science/health practices have something in common that is dividing our country and families. We easily recognize this destroyer in our family/personal relationships but not in public arenas.

Certainty leads to close-mindedness and refusal to discuss differences

If you find one rational person that has a difference of opinion from your own, you cannot be certain of your opinion. I don’t care if it concerns the safety of vaccines, climate solutions, or if God condemns gays. There are rational or rights to opinions on both sides. Couples who claim certainty are headed toward divorce or a sucky relationship. God-followers and religious leaders seem hell-bent in telling people what they must believe about God according to their understanding and interpretation of the Bible. Politicians who refuse debate of their policies are no different. You can spot destructiveness or evil a mile away — those who censor other opinions. Leaders play God (Superior) in the lives of others by claiming to know the truth and we can’t decide for ourselves.

Why can’t we be more openminded?

Certainty rather than uncertainty is more comforting psychologically. One may believe what seems to be the popular narrative because unknowing can create confusion or anxiety. Anxiety is avoided by not discussing one’s beliefs with others who believe differently. For one to question a main belief they have been taught in church all their life, such as if Hell is real, can cause one to question other beliefs they have been taught. Questioning if the Covid shots are safe in the long-run, if we have gotten the shots, can raise anxiety about our health. What if we pushed others to get the shots and we end up wrong? Trusting authority always can sometimes be misguided.

The most benign explanation for denying freedom of choice is one who believes they are doing the best for all concerned. This denies uncertainty. The more evil explanation for censoring the opinions of others is one’s desire for control which leads to power over others, intentional or not. Control and power often lead to security (jobs). Control and power flourish when others are not allowed to discuss alternative opinions in the public arena. It isn’t science or theology if there isn’t debate. That is why we often change our mind when able to participate in discussions. One way to judge one’s motive is to question why they fear debating others if they are so sure they are right.

How can we know what is true

Certainty is an illusion unless talking about universal moral sins such as rape or incest. Adultery isn’t only wrong in the eyes of the betrayer. Most decisions are not black and white and require open debate by those in authority. One must have the freedom to decide what is the best decision for themselves, or the powerful rule the powerless. Those fortunate enough to live in a democratic society must accept the vote of the majority when comes to law setting. You can still defend your position in hopes of a future vote. May the best, most common-sense position win.

I am convinced all know how a loving human should act, whether they never had a Bible (majority born in this world) or don’t believe in God. Christians leaders often claim we must be guided by biblical principles. They assume their interpretation is correct. It is common to hear one argue “The Bible says” without adding “according to my understanding.” The truth is contrary biblical interpretations exist for many moral issues. Hell, we can’t be sure if there is a literal Hell according to the Bible. See here.

What is God so hidden?

Religious people may ask why God doesn’t make truth more obvious. God may not speak to us demonstratively out of love. Just because earthly parents sometime know and advise what is best for their older child, such advice doesn’t always work out. In fact, overzealousness can lead to feeling controlled, thus rejecting what is best for one’s own good. God’s awing or overwhelming presence may only lead to fearful obligations to obey. The road traveled of learning, reflecting, and not being pressured may best lead to lasting convictions and more meaningful relationships. Maybe God speaks to us in non-dramatic ways (influence) out of love!

The path forward to save a Nation

  • We must first stop claiming our views are morally superior to those we disagree with unless speaking of universal accepted moral truths
  • We must handle differences with physical and emotional civility
  • We must begin conversations by looking for areas we agree
  • We must discuss differences by defending our reasoning, respecting the opinions of others, and commit to growing in understanding
  • We must be openminded. Consider why you are afraid to defend your belief if you supposedly know the “truth”
  • We must protect one’s freedom to choose when the possibility exists we could be wrong
  • We must stop censoring or labeling others as heretics or conspiracists that we disagree with
  • We must stop supporting politicians who advocate censorship or label those who disagree with them as mis-informers. Why believe their view if they can’t defend their views for the supposed good of the world?
  • We must use language that conveys respecting one’s right to believe in a Creator or not

What Is The Greatest Destroyer Of A Nation?

Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. He couldn’t find enough people to discuss God openly so he started blogging years ago. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: medwar2@gmail.com



Done with Religion
Done with Religion

Written by Done with Religion

Done with religion does not mean done with God, but done with religious traditions. We post articles weekly about living for God outside the walls of religion.

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