What Is The Greatest Sin Of All? What All Religions Must Agree About God!
By Mike Edwards
Okay! Murder, physical or sexual abuse, torture, etc. are horrific. But there is another deadly relationship killer that may not be as obvious. I am not fond of the word sin. God obviously hates evil when one has no regrets harming others, but God hates the sin more than the sinner. I doubt God disgustingly refer to us as sinners under their breathe when we regret our actions, when we struggle to change habitual patterns that are not in our best interest. Hardly a day doesn’t go by that I don’t live up to the standard I have set for myself. God only desires what we know we ought to desire for ourselves and others. God simply wants to come along aside to support and encourage.
The greatest sin may be not treating others like you want to be treated
Previously, I wrote that God’s greatest desire is for us to treat others like we want to be treated. See here. Jesus was asked what was the most important law by a religious-type (Mark 12:28–34). Religion-keepers try to stay in power by declaring all their rules are God’s rules. Jesus simply said to love God and love others as yourself. Jesus wasn’t claiming God was egotistical, only that loving God is the same as loving others like you want to be loved. Jesus wasn’t saying what hoops to jump through to be loved by God. Jesus was encouraging a lifestyle to pursue with God’s help.
The sin of certainty may be the greatest way we fail living by the golden rule
We are all tempted to insist we are right and the other side if wrong. Couples acting this way are headed toward divorce. God-followers and religious leaders seem hell-bent in telling people what they must believe about God according to their understanding and interpretation of the Bible. Politicians seem hell-bent in claiming certainty regarding policies such as climate change and immigration, though there are reasonable arguments on both sides of the aisle. Open-minded uncertainty, rather than supposed certainty, could go a long way to healing our nation and personal relationships. Stop condemning gays or insisting on certain women roles/dress according to your understanding. Imagine if you were gay or a woman and ask how you would want to be treated!
Why are people so damn certain?
- Christians often claim those who support gay marriages are heretics. They claim their truth because the Bible says so. They fail to understand ancient literature is subject to interpretations and biblical scholars don’t agree that God condemns gays. See here.
- Why do politicians claim certainty other than to gain votes? Covid shots were mandated though there were disagreements in the beginning that the Shots prevented infection and transmission. They didn’t! Politicians may claim certainty to avoid arguing their “truth” to convince others
- Individuals fall in love with certainty. If certain beliefs about God are challenged, what other beliefs they were taught could be wrong? Uncertainty can increase anxiety, but certainty leads to forcing “supposed” truths onto others.
Uncertainty doesn’t result in lawlessness
Who doesn’t believe rape is wrong unless a terrorist? Of course, terrorists who rape believe their partner shouldn’t be raped. It is often said we best know God according to “biblical truths.” The truth is contrary biblical interpretations exist for many moral issues. See here. I don’t know any reasonable God or non-God person that doesn’t respect the golden rule in relationships. Certain laws are just common, moral sense. Who doesn’t believe physical or sexual abuse is wrong? Different opinions, such as immigration or climate matters expressed without physical or verbal aggression, can stand side by side as we continually evaluate the most loving approach. Open discussions can steer us away from demanding “supposed truths.”
Changing for the future
- We must first stop claiming our views are morally superior to those we disagree with unless speaking of universal accepted moral truths
- We must handle differences with physical and emotional civility
- We can begin conversations by looking for areas we agree
- We can discuss differences by defending our reasoning, respecting the opinions of others, and commit to growing in understanding
- In a democratic society, which is better than the rule of those in power, the vote of the majority must be followed until voted on again
What Is The Greatest Sin Of All? What All Religions Must Agree About God!
Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. He couldn’t find enough people to discuss God openly so he started blogging years ago. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: medwar2@gmail.com