What One Belief Only Matters To God?
By Mike Edwards
Acceptance of certain creeds or doctrines is often expected to join a church. They may concern whether the Bible is inspired by God, how one obtains salvation, afterlife beliefs, etc. This is why thousands of denominations exist in the Christian faith. Certain beliefs are declared important according to their interpretation of the Bible. I am convinced God would encourage only one doctrine.
Jesus’ message was simply to love one another
Many agree to understand Jesus is to understand God. Jesus in his interactions didn’t seem to demand a certain prayer to repeat for salvation. Jesus in choosing disciples simply asked to follow him. They didn’t believe many of Jesus’ claims until after his resurrection. I am convinced Jesus came to advise how to start living here on earth, not what awaited in the afterlife, when asked how to have eternal life. He simply said to love God and your neighbor (Lk10:25–37). Jesus understood loving God leads to loving your neighbor. One, if so inclined, can ask for God’s help in living a meaningful life here on earth. See here for more of Jesus’ interactions with others.
What about women, gays, and Hell?
It is assumed biblical scholars agree what the Bible says about gays, women, hell, and other moral issues. They don’t! See here. See here. See here. Ancient literature subject to interpretation cannot be the definitive word on truth. Gays are often condemned and women’s leadership roles are limited, despite their gifts, in God’s name. How would God love gays, women, or those of other religions? A Creator surely loves the way creatures intuitively think they ought to love. How to love others is the discussion, not one’s interpretation which may be wrong.
Self-evident rights may be found in a Book or natural law, as we all have an inborn sense of good and evil. All rational being believe sexual abuse is evil. We can though have healthy debates what climate policies are for the greater good. We can share our personal beliefs in God and other matters in the public arena without implying we all agree what the most loving values are. Love is complicated sometimes. Freedom of beliefs is critical for such discussions.
Does one have to believe Jesus resurrected or was the Son of God?
I imagine most seek to convene together in a church building because of their belief in God and Jesus’ main message. Many may not be sure if Jesus was God in human form or God’s representative here on earth. I am convinced Jesus’ resurrection isn’t legend and has historical verification, but others may not. Jesus’ disciples didn’t believe Jesus when told he was coming back from the dead, despite witnessing Jesus’ miracles beforehand, until witnessing with their own eyes. I would like to think many of us witnessing a man or woman coming back from the grave, after killed on a cross, would be convinced. I have a hunch God cares the most that you believe in the possibility of a loving God to begin a faith journey.
How Christians can unite
Christians often hope others entertain the difference a personal relationship with God can make in one’s life. The way Christians act in loving others can be a distraction to this hope. Christians must forget any requirements of beliefs other than a desire to love others as they wish to be love. God can hold Their own in influencing others to consider God’s help in this journey. Let the discussions how to love begin without assuming you are right and others are wrong!
What One Belief Only Matters To God?
Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. He couldn’t find enough people to discuss God openly so he started blogging years ago. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: medwar2@gmail.com