Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers?
Mike Edwards
Quite obviously many of our prayers are not answered. We have every right to ask why God cured my friend’s cancer and not my own or one’s parent cancer and not my parent? Is God really that arbitrary in delving out mercy? What human or goldy parent if able to intervene in suffering does so for one child and the not the suffering of their other child. Where do we go to find answers?
Is the Bible our only source for answers about prayer?
Most God-folks quote the Bible when responding to questions about prayer. They often don’t admit their interpretation of a passage when addressing prayer may be wrong. It is not uncommon for biblical scholars, much less laypeople, to interpret the same passage’s meaning differently. Some interpret the Bible to condemn gays, other do not. Even if we all had the same interpretations, few admit that the biblical writers may not have always understood God perfectly. Okay, me neither! The Bible isn’t our only way to know God. I will suggest that God can’t always stop suffering. Why would a good God stand-by but not a flawed human parent watching their child suffer?
Two assumptions when trying to understand God and prayer
Many Bible-folks assume God is all-powerful, which demands an answer to why God displays Their power or not. Why God acts arbitrarily isn’t easy to answer if God is truly loving, unless you always blame unanswered prayer due to one’s sins. Often, it is proclaimed God’s ways are higher than ours and God is working it all for good. Tell that to a woman raped! It may also be suggested that we sinners have no right to question a Holy God, or that any good is more than we deserve since God’s standard is perfection and we all fall short as sinners. Some relationship!
A second less popular assumption is that God can’t be all-powerful. It is only intuitive that an all-powerful God can control suffering if able to create, be in all places at one time, resurrect Jesus from the dead, etc. But, logically how can God be all-powerful and humans have some freedom/power? Suffering (prayer unanswered) may be because God cannot intervene single-handedly. God can’t physically interfere in evil or suffering without human help. See here.
But miracles?
Lots of prayers asking for healing aren’t answered. Is God’s love infrequent or arbitrary? Do miracles not happen because some people are less sinful or beg better at the feet of an arbitrary God? I believe a better explanation for healings is that various biological and environmental factors are involved such as cells and organs. If God doesn’t deny human freedom, it may not be a stretch to say God has to account for natural freedom as well. Perhaps miracles can happen when God’s love aligns with countless factors known and not known. God cannot intervene singlehandedly, but a loving God always wants to intervene whenever circumstances will allow.
Why then bother with prayer?
The Bible can’t be the definitive word on God since subject to interpretation and conjecture if God agrees with all written about God. Most Bible-quoting folks believe we are made in the image of God. God surely acts as image bearers think they should act when someone is suffering. I am convinced God is always seeking to intervene when possible. We don’t have to assume God can answer our prayers but doesn’t for some unknown reason. God suffers with us, but the unfortunate truth in a free world is suffering happens, though God is dying to help. We can pray but be more understanding when God can’t answer our prayers. Lean on God and others for emotional support and encouragement in difficult times.
Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers?
Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. He couldn’t find enough people to discuss God openly so he started blogging years ago. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: medwar2@gmail.com