Why Hell Can’t Be True!
By Mike Edwards
The Gospel or God’s main message has been hijacked! We have been told forever it seems that Jesus’ death on the Cross was to spare us from going to Hell to appease God’s angry about our sins. What kind of spiritual or human relationship is built on fear and avoiding fiery torture. A literal Hell can’t be morally or biblically possible.
Hell is morally impossible
Most who believe God exist agree God has given us moral intuitions to discern evil from good. We don’t need a Book to tell us that sexual abuse or murder is wrong. God creating a literal Hell where people are tortured for billions of years for beliefs held a short time here on earth isn’t morally possible. We humans wouldn’t even create such a place or destination for our enemies. If God’s goodness isn’t the same as human goodness, God then sometimes isn’t good. God or humans can’t possibly be happy in heaven if loved ones are being tormented after death day after day. If God supposedly has such control over happiness, why not use the same power over rebelliousness?
Hell is an impossible free choice
For a minute forget about the Hitler example and think of family and friends who don’t believe in God or follow Jesus the way you do. They may score higher on the morality scale than you. One may suggest that God gives one the freedom to choose their destiny after life here on earth. How is it rationally possible for anyone to choose hell/torture in their right mind over Heaven. No one puts their hand in a fire and leaves it there. We would call them insane, not truly free. One is not truly free if they choose Hell. If Hell was true, a loving God would be obligated to make sure one understood this reality. Doing so would make the choice of Hell impossible.
God can’t possibly believe in Hell
Many who argue for the reality of Hell because of the Bible suggest that same Bible reveals God is all-knowing including knowing the future. I have claimed as others that God’s can’t know the future if freedom is genuine. See here. If God somehow knew the future, that means God created knowing millions would burn in Hell forever. It may be suggested that is one’s choice, but I argued above no one would freely choose Hell. You can’t convince me that God would ever create a human being if Hell was a reality. I wouldn’t have children if I knew their destination may be forever torture. Why would God?
God giving up isn’t conceivable
Can God really stop being forgiving? Bible scholars don’t agree whether the Bible suggests second chances after death or not. There are consequences in this life and there may be painful reckonings in the life to come, but God can’t stop showing grace. Why would God have a complete character lobotomy after we take our last breath here on earth? Is a thief going to enter Paradise but not others with lesser sins because they weren’t next to Jesus hanging on Cross right before their last breath? God’s grace doesn’t depend on whether one has more opportunities to respond to God than others. Even imperfect human parents wouldn’t cut off a child who eventually accepts responsibilities for their actions.
The only reason one may believe in Hell because of the Bible
No one really believes in their belief that Hell is real. If they did, they would never stop convincing their loved ones and friends they will burn forever if they don’t repent. The only reason one might believe in Hell is because they believe the Bible obligates them to do so. The English word “Hell” is a translation of the Greek word Gehenna. Jesus spoke of a place called Valley of Hinnom (Gehenna) outside of Jerusalem. Corpse were burned not kept alive. This is how you know interpretations have gone array. They have used a metaphor to push fear to obey and that you are kept alive in the fire to continue burning. Hell isn’t biblical. See here.
Why it matters knowing Hell isn’t real
Hell doesn’t lead to a relationship with God or even changed lives. What kind of relationship comes forth when threatened with endless torture if you don’t obey. Are you close to your parents because of fear, or because they are the kind of people you want to grow up to be like? God isn’t saving you from Hell, but hoping to help you become more the person you desire to be while here on life. Go ahead and live like Hell while here on earth! Careful the regrets you, your family, and friends will feel at the end of your life. Fear may work temporarily in the religion or political arena, but it can’t last. Jesus came to encourage living a life worth living — not to get you out of Hell.
Credit: That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation: Hart, David Bentley:
Mike Edwards has been writing for Done with Religion for some time and has been a great addition to the site. Mike also has his own site where he writes that can be found at What God May Really Be Like He can be contacted by email at: medwar2@gmail.com